
Saturday, August 10, 2013

Bad Habits

As hard as I try to be good (I’m a people pleaser by nature, which I am desperately trying to overcome), sometimes I’m bad. As pointed out in a comment on my last post, I have a bad habit. A very bad habit. A habit that is unhealthy and even dangerous. I microwave my food in plastic containers- a lot. Often a few times a day. The worst part, I know this is bad. I know all about BPAs and that chemicals can seep into my food. I’ve seen the Facebook posts and rants and links about how horrible plastic containers and drinking from plastic bottles can be (I do that too- eek!). So why do I do it? Convenience (read: laziness), I guess. And that’s not a good excuse. #noexcuses, right? So what am I going to do about it?? Well, as a start, I am certainly going to make a better effort to microwave my food on glass dishes. That seems easy enough. And, I might also look into investing in a set of glass containers that I can use to pack and store all my meals in... Although that would mean even more heavy stuff to lug around L See?? Laziness, again. That’s not an excuse. In any case, if anyone has any suggestions of what brands are good or where to buy some glass containers, lemme know. And thank you, Mrs. Anonymous, for making me aware of this bad habit :)

And, while we are on the topic, I thought I’d share another one of my bad habits… (and, clearly, I have many others, but let's not get carried away here). I have noticed lately I have become fairly addicted coffee. Actually, that’s not even it. I’m not ‘addicted’ per se, more just obsessed (although, how can you not be when there’s a Starbucks in your face around every corner… literally?). I can function without it (well, I am definitely dependent on that first cup in the morning – I do need that – but for the rest of the day I am fine and usually just get a decaf anyway), but for some reason, I always want it. And I think, aside from it being a delicious and dreamy beverage (mmmm, coffee), I’m using it as either a distraction (i.e. “I need a break, let’s go get a cup of coffee”) or as a replacement for other treats since coffee is so satisfying and fits easily into my meal plan (I drink it black with no sweetener). Sure, it’s not the worst thing in the world (aside from the expense- $4 for a grande (of course it would have to be a grande) Americano?? That adds up fast!), but it is a mindless (bad) habit. Something I do without even thinking about. I could also be replacing that habit with something healthier, like just drinking water and saving money. Huh, what a novel concept. Ha!
How can something this nice be bad for me??
The good news is, however, good habits can form just like bad habits J There are many things that I have started doing over the past year that took a little while to get into, but now are just things I do mindlessly. For example, packing my gym clothes with me, every day, no matter where I go. It just makes it easier. Or taking my food with me, every day, no matter where I go. It used to be one of those things that made me feel a little awkward, but now I’m whipping containers (damn it, those plastic containers) where ever I go. On the bus, on the ferry, at the gym, at family dinners, and even at the baseball game (true story, see the pic below… it was actually a whole purse of food).
On the ferry

At the gym

In my purse
I don’t even care. #whateverittakes I do it without even thinking about it now. Just like those small bad habits, these repetitive small good habits will make a difference.
What kind of difference are you making?

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

WIAW: What I Have Not Only Been Eating, But Also What I Have Been Doing Wednesday

Whoooo hooo! After a brief hiatus, I’m finally back for What I Ate Wednesday, but let’s make it, What I Have Not Only Been Eating, But Also What I Have Been Doing Wednesday. With so much going on, life has just been a little bit cray, cray lately. But first, the food!
Here is what this week’s daily menu is looking like. I’m eating so much/ so often, that I couldn’t fit it all into one collage. Hahaha.

Morning meals and lunch:


M1: The same ol’ porridge and eggs with coconut oil. Nope, not sick of this yet. Still a delicious way to start off the mornings.
M2: I like to call this one "frittata in a cup". It’s a new guy on the menu this week. I essentially pack a 2 cup sized Ziploc container full of veggies (well, yams, oats and spinach with some hot chili flakes), then pour a ½ cup egg whites over it all and pop it all into the microwave for a minute. It comes out so yummy. I also top it with a little more coconut oil.
M3: Pre-workout snack. Since I have been going to the gym at lunch to do my weights workout, I eat my pre-workout protein and oat muffin before I go. So easy. Just oats and protein powder mixed with egg whites and baked in the microwave for 54 seconds (exactly). It comes out smelling and tasting like a dreamy piece of chocolate cake. Such a great carb and protein combo.
M4: Tilapia, rice and broccoli salad topped with avocado and lemon juice (and more hot chili flakes). This is a slight modification of what I was previously eating for lunch. I get my post-weights carbs and protein in the most delicious (and fast) way.

Afternoon and evening meals:



M5: Chicken, beans and oats. Exactly what it sounds like, but really satisfying for some reason.
M6: Quinoa with chicken and stir fried vegetables. Tonight I topped it with some avocado, but I have also used Udo’s oil.

M7: Chocolate blueberry “ice cream.” One of the best summertime treats. Frozen blueberries blended with chocolate casein and cocoa powder. That’s it. That’s all. But so delicious and a perfect bedtime snack.

So, that’s what’s been going on with my food. As you can see, I have been trying to switch it up a bit, but am still keeping it pretty basic and simple. I like simple. Whatever is easiest for my Sunday prep. Here’s a couple of pics what that looked like on the weekend.



Training-wise, I have just been keeping at it, doing whatever I can do to get it all in. Right now I am on a 6 day a week weight and cardio plan. As I mentioned above, most days I am able to get into the gym on my lunch break to do my weights workout (it’s legs day tomorrow), and then head right back there after work to get my 30 minutes of cardio in. It may seem a little crazy/ obsessive/ too much to get going to the gym twice in one day (and I do sometimes get strange looks from the staff- haha), but it’s really the best for many reasons:
  1. It gets me off my butt and out of the office at lunch which is a nice physical and mental break from sitting and staring at a computer for hours on end;
  2. Instead of one long workout, it’s two smaller work outs which, scheduling and timing wise makes it much easier to fit in; and
  3. It splits my weights workout from my cardio workout and allows me to properly refuel and recover in between sessions which helps with muscle growth J

See, all good things. I have definitely seen some changes in my muscles. Here's a sneaky shot at the gym. Check out the bicep vein J J NBD.

The downside to the new gym plan- I have to get on public transit after sweating my face off in the gym. I’m still not sure how I feel about this. On one hand I think, “Whatever it takes, no excuses” and “I am still, by far, not the worst smelling person on the skytrain.” And, on the other hand, I am slightly embarrassed and aware that I may just be the second worst smelling person on the train. But, you know what, after years of taking public transit, and tolerating the weird smells and disgusting behaviours of others, maybe it’s my turn to be that person on the train, right?? Thoughts?

Today for cardio, however, I went for a run in the watershed with my dad J Nothing, no treadmill or stepmill or whatever can compare to that. Pure bliss.

In other news, since I posted last, I have also been to Chicago and back. Yay Chicago, I love that city!! We had an amazing trip, and the food (we’re talking pizza, deep dish cookie pizzas, and lobster macaroni and cheese) and fun deserves a post of it’s own. I will however, quickly point out that although I may have indulged a little too much, I also kept up with all my training J Our hotel was actually located in an athletic club. #noexcuses

And, the countdown to Vegas is on!! Only 13 more sleeps until I leave. Things are getting real! Photoshoots are booked, tickets to the WBFF Pro Show are purchased (I cannot wait to cheer all the Team Blessed Bodies ladies on plus see all the girls I follow online!! It'll be a who's who of the fitness industry) and pool party is booked! A lot more prep and planning to go, but it is all coming together. More deets soon.
